BDNF: Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor

Never heard of it? Well, be prepared to meet your new best friend!

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF for short, is a protein from the family of compounds called neurotrophins which are largely involved in the health and maintenance of neurological cells and tissues. BDNF is the most researched of the neurotrophin family and has been shown to promote cellular growth as well as repair in brain and body. BDNF improves neurological function, affecting one's neuromusculature, energy metabolism, and overall neural plasticity of the brain. BDNF is often held to be the 'fertilizer' of the brain and also shows promising improvements in the areas of cognition, memory, and focus.

Awesome. So how do we get more of it, you ask?!

Well there are a number of ways to safely [i.e. naturally] and effectively raise BDNF levels in the body:

  1. EXERCISE: incorporating 2-3 days a week of exercise will begin to trigger BDNF and neurogenesis; you can accomplish this 2 ways:

    • 30 minutes of cardio at 60-70% of max heart rate

      1. Can be in the form of hill climbs, a quick jog, cycling/spinning, etc

    • Weightlighting: my favorite weights are kettlebells and steel maces but you can use normal weights and machines if you're more comfortable; make sure to take it slow, maintain proper form, and to not overdo it!

  2. INTERMITTENT FASTING: going at least 15 hours without any food will trigger BDNF production as the body goes into a mild hypoglycemic state, increasing insulin sensitivity and promoting neurogenesis.

    • Ending food consumption in the early evening and withholding food intake until the late morning has shown

  3. GREEN TEA: green tea is amazing and widely known for its anti-cancer(anti-angiogenic) properties via EGCG [Epigallocatechin gallate] but there is also significant research now that shows that the EGCG in green tea promotes BDNF production, something especially useful for those individuals with a higher risk for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's 

  4. COFFEE FRUIT: we all know how roasting and brewing coffee beans is a quick way to increase our energy and focus for a short period of time, but did you know that there are also health benefits from the rest of the coffea plant?

    • Whole coffee fruit extract (also called coffee cherry) includes the rest of the coffea plant ,minus the beans, and has also been shown to dramatically increase BDNF levels and cognition, without the infamous coffee crash we all are familiar with

  5. TURMERIC AND COD LIVER OIL: and omega 3 fatty acids in general, all have significant anti-inflammatory properties and have been shown to have notable influence on BDNF production in addition to noteworthy neuroprotective effects

If it's not evident yet how important this is for you, consider this: we live in the age of addictions. We all recognize this, right? But what you may not recognize is the neurological effects that our addictions have. With any sort of repetitive behavior, the neural circuitry that support these processes and behaviors become reinforced. In other words, the circuits that drive our addiction become stronger and more pronounced.  As the frequently used circuits become more defined, other unused neural circuits in the brain become 'pruned' away. In this way the brain tries to maximize efficiency, but in its doing so begins to reduce neural plasticity, which is the capacity for the brain to form new neural pathways, learn new things, and access greater creativity.

 So now you know! You know what BDNF is, why its important, and tangible ways to increase its production naturally in the brain/body. The only question that remains is; what methods will you incorporate into your life to help you fertilize your neural plasticity?!


Mazen Atassi, ND

Dr. Mazen is a naturopathic doctor, classic homeopath, and Hikma therapist. To learn more about him and his services visit: