Two Arenas the Sincere Seeker Must Pursue

In a time of so much chatter and intellectual excess, the need to simplify and ground oneself in the basics is of increasing importance. We must revive the healing arts within our communities and teach one another how to seek and sustainably live the Quranic imperative of a goodly life, for the benefit of our selves and for the benefit of the Ummah.

Imam al-Ghazali رضي الله عنه in numerous works of his teaches us that the murid al-sadiq [sincere seeker] must be equipped with two stores of knowledge by which he may successfully and safely traverse the Path to God; these two knowledges are of Fiqh [Sacred Law] and Tibb [Medicine].

Why you may ask? Because these two sciences suffice the seeker with the 'ilm (knowledge), 'amal (righteous works), and hikma (wisdom) to organize all of one's inner and outer movements while keeping one healthy, strong, and vital to be able to worship and serve for as long as possible.

The Prophet ﷺ was once asked by a bedouin man, "Who is the best of people, O Muhammad?". He ﷺ responded, "The one who is granted a long life of beautiful and righteous works."

When all of these pieces are conjoined within the seeker, and the Divine Grace envelops him/her, a Muhammadan haal (integrated state of being) flowers from the heart of the seeker and he/she is met with success on the Path.

Thus, an imperative presents itself.

Firstly: learn what is for you and what is against you through proper study of the Sacred Law. You don't have to go much deeper than studying a simple primer with an authorized teacher of one of the 4 schools of Law, as that will sufficiently equip you with what you need to succeed.

Secondly: learn what is nourishing and beneficial for your well-being and what is harmful and destructive by spending time with a Hakim or someone authorized in the healing arts and sciences. During this time you will learn how to eat, how to drink, how to move, and how to rest- inwardly and outwardly- in a way that fosters wellness and longevity. You will learn your strengths and your weaknesses, how to heal your wounds, overcome your fears, and how to resource yourself with the goodly and the pure as nourishment for the long journey ahead.

In a time of so much chatter and intellectual excess, the need to simplify and ground oneself in the basics is of increasing importance. We must revive the healing arts within our communities and teach one another how to seek and sustainably live the Quranic imperative of a goodly life, for the benefit of our selves and for the benefit of the Ummah.


Mazen Atassi, ND

Dr. Mazen is a naturopathic doctor, classic homeopath, and Hikma therapist. To learn more about him and his services visit: